Trump, Democrats, Republicans, Press, and Daca Streaming Live; Democrats Too Focused on DACA and Not Other Issues Affecting African Americans, and Latin Americans!

Right now before I get started on work, I’m listening to Trump, the Republicans, and Democrats discussing DACA. I was listening to the live streaming from KTSA, which for the most part is a conservative yet accepting radio station. I say accepting because when people hear conservative, they think bigoted, ignorant, racist, and I can say from experience not all are like that. Just like not all liberals are bat shit crazy!

Nonetheless, there may be other places to hear that conference live. I know it was on CNN as well, and there may be an audio recording of it too. I will admit that I don’t care about DACA really. It doesn’t personally concern me, but as a nation, I understand the importance of it. Many of these children, even in many Texas cities, and towns, don’t know that they’re DACA. And many didn’t know they were DACA until they got older and started to do things that required social security numbers, and birth certificates. Like trying to get a driver’s license, applying for college, applying for a job, it was then many found out that they weren’t legal.

From listening to the live streaming of the Republicans, Democrats and Trump, they all want a common ground. They all want to work together to have something. Trump is in full support of DACA if they can also strengthen the border wall, and I agree with that. And a journalist…I think that’s the guy who was talking said, “many of these people on DACA can help with that because some of them know the lingo, know the land“.

But Democrats are focused way too much on illegals than they are for minority Americans. Yes, it is true, African American unemployment is at a low. The unemployment rate for African Americans is 6.6 as of December 2017, and African American women have an unemployment rate of 5.8. Over all, those between 16-19 years of age, it’s 22.9. Yeah that’s not bad compared to other years including 2016.

However, there are still issues facing the African American community such as police brutality that many feel is happening within their communities. Now, I don’t really support Black Lives Matter, but it’s still important to bring forth these concerns and discuss them. Believe it or not, but police brutality and lack of training, and easy dismissal allows for police to behave badly, poorly, and corruptly. These issues aren’t being discussed. We also have strong numbers of black men being sent to prison for minor drug problems such as weed. And what’s worst, a Kentucky law maker is pulling in on this stereotype by claiming blacks respond the worst to drugs because it’s in their genetics. There are numerous other issues: single family homes, lack of education among black men, gang violence. Just last month, a lesbian couple and their kids were killed. And we still have trans women of color who are subjected to violence and death. Last month another black trans woman was found murdered by a construction site. Before her on December 1st, another black trans woman was found dead in an Oklahoma hotel. I may be critical of the trans movement as I am of a lot of movements, but I don’t goat past the facts when it comes to black people and violence.

Latin Americans often face the same problem as African Americans but just like the African American community, the Latin community also sees a low unemployment rate of 4.8 as of September 2017. And as of October 2016, the Hispanic drop out rate in regards to high school is at a low as more and more students are graduating! This is good news. However, let’s not forget that gang violence also control many Hispanic communities in low economics situations. There’s also underage pregnancy.

When I was in middle school, I had classes where there were pregnant girls in my class. Many as young as 12, and they were all Hispanic. Years later, MTV would do that show 16 & Pregnant and I remembered thinking, ‘shit…try doing a show called I’m 14 and On My Second Baby’. It’s difficult to explain why these young Latin American girls get pregnant but it could be because of rape, incest, strict Catholic teachings; whatever it is, the problem isn’t really being discussed.

DACA is important to many but I don’t think they should be the priority; but it could be argued that if they keep getting pushed back then it will never be solved. True, this is why there needs to be better organization and better communication. Like Trump said, if we can work together, we’ll be able to get a lot of shit done.


Liberals Want You to Believe Taking Away Guns Will Solve This Problem; No, It Won’t. Gun Control is NOT the Answer(Or Is It)!

So of course, every time there is a shooting, democrats and liberals go crazy and explain how we need more intense gun laws. What they fail to understand or what they refuse to understand, is that criminals and people who have the intent to kill will ALWAYS find a way to kill!

You don’t need a gun to cause serious harm and multiple deaths; owning a gun sure does make that easy but one thing that Europe is learning real quickly that a car can be just as efficient as a gun. In August, in Spain, 14 people were killed and 100 were injured from a terrorist attack. In July, in London, seven people were killed and about 48 were injured from a terrorist attack. Most recently eight people died from terrorist attack in New York. Or the one woman who was ran over at that confederate statue protest, remember? All of which took place this year in 2017. All of these were done by people wanting to kill; and that’s what they did, they killed. With a gun, they probably would have killed more. But they still killed. So basically it boils down to how many people do we want to die when someone attacks and how do we want to die?

Let’s see, what about bombs? Well, in May 22 people died at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.  A couple of weeks back, a journalist was the sole target of a car bomb; can you imagine if a whole bus was a target of a bomb? We’re lucky though because most car bombings are done in the middle east. Oh, what about June in Brussels, were 32 were killed from a bomb? Again, we’re lucky because most of these bombings are taking place in Europe-you know where they have very strict gun laws. Oh yeah, let’s not forget about the numerous women who are being raped in Germany and Sweden and Denmark, easily being over powered by men. Maybe if they were able to carry and protect themselves, the rapes would go down if the rapist knew there was a chance of him getting killed.

Are stricter gun control laws really going to help Chicago? This article right here says the Chicago gun laws aren’t very strict and that is why crime has gotten worst. She says New York has very strict gun laws and their crime is low. The author goes on to say these guns are coming from outside of Chicago, and that Chicago doesn’t have gun stores. Wait what? If they’re coming from outside of Chicago then…those who are getting them outside of Chicago will still get them outside of Chicago even if the laws are stricter-so that’s a contradiction.

Let us go back to New York. Let’s look at the stats. In New York, your chances of being a victim in a violent crime: death, rape, assault is 1 in 263 out of a total population of 19 million. Out of 19 million that’s about 44,000 compared to the United States as a whole of 300 million and about 700,000. So I guess that’s a matter of opinion. Is 1 in 263 that bad? Let’s look at California. Out of a population of 33 million, you are 1 in 265 in regards to chances of being involved in a violent crime as a victim. Hmm, so that means that New York is pretty dangerous compared to California apparently so that author obviously didn’t do her research. Now let’s look at a state like Texas where we actually have strict gun laws: background check, registration and permits, training for those who conceal and carry. In a population of 27 million, you are 1 in 243 in encountering a violent crime; hmm, when looking at the numbers, it would seem Texas is just below both of these states but still not so much in percentage wise. We’re less likely to be harmed but still have a chance(I blame Laredo).

I am all for strict gun laws such as back ground checks, mental checks, training for carry but I believe we should be able to protect ourselves if need be. It’s ironic because the Sutherland shooter, he was killed; if not wounded by a man with a gun. The killer could have gotten away and probably would have if it weren’t for the hero with the gun. Good people with guns don’t do harm nor do we kill for the intent to kill. We do harm when we fill that we or our community are being harmed.

It’s ironic that the liberals say we need to get rid of guns or have stricter gun laws when it was the democrats prior to the 1960’s that said black people shouldn’t have guns, “we need to disarm black America”. And who do we have to thank for that, Ronald Reagan. White Americans didn’t want slaves to have guns; they also didn’t want freed black people to have guns either.

“Police brutality, police brutality, Alt-Right, Neo-Nazis”-come on, if the liberals got their way, do you believe the Alt-Right movement, the Neo-Nazi movement will let down those guns? Nope, and guess what-they want to kill you and people like me. “You can’t beat up a faggot if that faggot has a gun”. “You can’t beat down a woman if that woman has a gun”. “You can’t hang a nigga, if that nigga has a gun.”

Someone said that if America was a harmonized, unified country, this could work as in strict gun laws, or even taking them away. But America, we are so divided and we are filled with so much hate, and anger that taking away guns alone is not going to be enough to stop maniacs from attacking people with the intent to kill.

Like I said, I’m all for gun control laws as I mentioned but if you’re going to make them stricter and nothing changes-still same old, same old attacks and assaults-then I’m gonna be one pissed bitch.