Don’t Forget, Facebook Owns Instagram and What’s App; Final Space is the Worst Cartoon I’ve Ever Seen and You Can’t Even Carry Pepper Spray in Europe!

Facebook actually owns a lot of other businesses; two of those other entities are Instagram and What’s App. Right now, a lot of people (but not most) are on a “delete Facebook” hashtag rant, but in reality, if those same people aren’t deleting Instagram or What’s App then the whole movement is pointless. Although I have a Facebook, I log on only one or twice an year so as to add a friend. After that, I log right back off. Personally, I believe Facebook can jump back from this. Even when Myspace fell apart, and when it was sold to Justin Timberlake, Tom managed to get about 500 million dollars from it. What I’m saying is, if you like investing in stock, right now is probably a good time to buy some shares of Facebook. Though not as low as 15$ like Myspace is, they’re about 130$ per share. If Facebook rises back up which I think it will(even if it means being sold), a pretty sweet accumulation should/could happen with that investment.

Final Space, a cartoon on TBS I discovered randomly on a pirate streaming site is—–bllahhha. The show is a real drag! When I saw the little advertisement on another show I was watching on that pirate site, the show came off to be like a Rick and Morty type show. When doing some research on it, some other people were saying the same thing and also comparing it to other dark comedy, satirical like shows. Since I like cartoons like such, I decided to give this show a shot and boy, was I disappointed!

Yes, the show is a bit gory and it does get dark around certain episodes but it’s the script, and the characters that I have a hard time with. The script is poorly written and it seems as if the creators were trying to be funny by giving the main male character cheesy, predictable lines to say. And though the quality of the animation and movement is pretty, the exaggeration of the characters, the obsessiveness of the main character and his relations to other people, are really off putting.

This image alone by Olan Rogers kind of shows us that he truly was trying to go for a Rick and Morty feel and though the show has that in animation style, and gore, it severely lacks the dark humor, and satirical component. I feel like I’m watching a dumber down version of Rick and Morty meant for five years olds.

The first episode and the second managed to pull in about 1 million or so viewers but with each episode, the ratings have dropped to the lower mid thousands. The show had such a high promise too considering it was first announced and roughly drawn in 2010, released on Youtube and Reddit, and the creators were invited on Conan to premiere the show. Compared to all the other high rated comedies on TBS, this show is barely getting by. I think it has a chance of getting renewed for a second season, but I won’t hold my breath for a third and more.

Dudes and Dudettes, you can’t even have pepper spray or mace in public so as to protect yourself in most European countries! Remember the story of the Danish girl who was 17 and was almost raped by a refugee? Remember how she was charged with a crime because she pepper sprayed him and pepper spray is illegal in Denmark?

And to think Europe is a liberal, socialist continent and yet they’re charging women, men, and children who were attacked with a crime. That’s bullshit so I decided to do research to find out what exactly the rules are to certain countries in Europe. If you are traveling in Europe, here are the countries where it is legal and illegal to carry pepper spray: Austria, France, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Spain it is legal to carry pepper spray(rules and regulations differ from country to country).  Any other country that I did not name, it is illegal to carry, and you will be charged for carrying. Why is pepper spray illegal to carry in the countries such as Sweden, Denmark, U.K, and more? Because they are seen as weapons. Funny thing about it though, the sell and buying of weapons are actually starting to increase in Europe as a result of the high number of rapes and assaults taking place within various countries(where such weapons are legal and illegal of course). The United Kingdom even though guns are illegal have been seeing an increase of them since 2016. Gun crime increased to about 45% in the United Kingdom in 2017! These are illegal guns bought by criminals/terrorist, yet good abiding citizens can’t even purchase and use pepper spray as means of protection?