How to Become a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader; Fan Favorite of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team is Kat and A Cheerleader Gets Engaged to a Woman!

I am an avid fan of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. I’ve been watching it since I was a kid in 2004. Things are changing when compared to the earlier seasons, such as they took out the athletic bit where the big muscular black guy would train them. Now they seem to want to go into a more reality stage of the show; as in, there’s more focus on the personal dynamics and stories of the women. This change is actually something I don’t like mainly because even though the dancers are very pretty, on a personal level, most have an unlikable personality. Out of everyone though within this season, Kat was my favorite(yes, she made the team!).

In the beginning of the season before she found a room mate who was also a hopeful, she was staying in a hotel. Her parents had no idea she was in Texas. She bounced from host to host in the show until she roomed with that other woman.

One woman, I believe, even used her to get on TV but once she realized the cameras weren’t following Kat 24/7, the woman dropped Kat as a roommate.

What I love about Kat was her humor and positive personality. She had a quote that she said in the series, “I’m here so no tears“. The fact she was so open about her lace front wings was awesome, even more awesome that she knew how to take good care of the lace fronts she had.  Someone needs to put her in some wig tutorials! Another favorite quote from Kat was when they were standing in line waiting to enter the stadium on the second or so day, she said, “This heat is gonna make my wig come off in this sun, y’all.”

Can’t speak for everyone else, but like one of the coaches said:

looks and personality like Beyonce and Vanessa Williams,

 Kat could possibly have a successful entertainment career!

How to become a successful Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader? Let’s see:

1.) Kicks. Seriously, these women know damn well they’re gonna have to do the kick line. So maybe take an year or two to strengthen your leg throws. It’s no better than those dudes on Rupaul’s Drag Race talking about, “I don’t know how to sew!”
Do people not do their homework or do they just see the show and say, “Hey, I got the minimum experience, why not?”

2.) Jump Splits-same as above.

3.) Choreography. What sends many girls home in the beginning of the season is their inability to pick up fast pace dance choreography.

Although many of the candidates have professional experience or years of dance experience, the ones who are quick learners usually rise above the rest.

Learning technique may takes years, yes, but improving one’s memory does not. A way to improve your retention skills is to obviously practice.

Watching hip hop dance videos and picking up their choreography is a sure way to improve. Unlike ballet and jazz, hip hop rushes dancers and forces them to retain what they learn in a short period of time. When it’s unleashed, it’s often fast and un-ironically sporadic.

4.) Facial expressions. Dance in front of the mirror, y’all. Know what you look like. Kind of like this woman at my work who always has lipstick on her teeth. If she took the time to glance into a mirror or even her phone once in a while, she would see what we all see. Her pink teeth!

WARNING: I am not a professional; however, I listen to what the judges always complain about and this is what they always complain about!

Since I am an avid fan and the women are quite pretty, I couldn’t help but wonder which of the women happened to be homosexual or bisexual. Upon doing research, not a whole lot is out there besides for the old timer, Leslie Ezelle. However, it would seem our Aussie cheerleader from down under is getting married to a woman!

Besides for Leslie Ezelle who was featured on a HGN design show, there aren’t many or if any out homosexual or even bisexual women to come from the Dallas Cheerleaders club. It’s hard to believe that an organization that has seen hundreds of women place that uniform on, only two are openly out.

So who is engaged, you ask? The Aussie, as I already mentioned, or of course by her actual name, Jinelle Ester.

In the show, Ester was said to be in a relationship with a man for five years. Well viewers on a popular forum were surprised to see her announcement on Instagram. It didn’t come without controversy.


Apparently, the woman Ester is engaged to was involved in the show. Some felt that it was a double standard since many have been kicked off the squad for getting romantically and/or sexual  with the football players. Others mention that(players getting involved with the women) is also a double standard since the players don’t get kicked off the team for getting involved with the cheerleaders. But for the most part, Ester’s relationship was mostly met with kindness and positivity.

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